data transformation subcategories: > data collage (11) > multimedia (5) > sonification (6) > visualization (7) eight projects in this top-level category
100.000.000 stolen pixels by Kim Asendorf A web crawler started with 10 URLs (See first 10 in url.log) and searched HTML pages for images and hyperlinks. Each found image got downloaded and 100 pixels in a square of 10x10 were cut out of it. Each found hyperlink got stored in the cache and thereby added to the list of searchable URLs. The process repeated itself until 1.000.000 images were downloaded and 100.000.000 [...]
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degenerative/regenerative/fadeaway by Eugenio Tisselli "degenerative" is a web page that slowly becomes corrupted. each time the page is visited, one of its characters is either destroyed or replaced.
link to degenerative:
in the "regenerative" web page, text degenerates with each visit, but it also attempts to regenerate itself by trying to [...]
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flyt dig by Ole Kristensen flyt dig lets the computer make a drawing based on motion. the software sees through a web cam, decides a direction, and draws a line.
instead of moving yourself, put flyt dig to some use. placed in front of a tv set flyt dig is useful for automated media consumption. the drawings become mappings of movement in time.
you can download and see flyt dig on your own pc. [...]
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non-weddings by Christophe Bruno This work, made in 2002, was inspired by a drawing by Jacques Lacan in "L'instance de la lettre dans l'inconscient" (Ecrits, Editions du Seuil), as I realized that the search engines on the Internet had some similarities with this presentation.
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Fascinum by Christophe Bruno This piece created in 2001, shows the pictures the most viewed (ranked from 1 to 10) on different national Yahoo portals.
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The Bank of Time by Futurenatural "Growth from Idleness"
A screensaver which saves your idle time and uses it to grow plants on your desktop. Users can visit the “Idleness Growth Tables” on the web site where their idle time is displayed and compare its growth to that of other users from all over the world. As more people save with The Bank of Time they will soon be able to learn whose computers have been the most [...]
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Desktop Subversibles by Jonah Brucker-Cohen As computers and the desktop metaphor reach virtual ubiquity in our daily lives, they also become objects we take for granted in daily use. The Desktop Subversibles application suite questions this ubiquity by focusing on standard desktop activities like copy/paste, mouse movements, and clicks and adding networked and physical outputs to highlight these mundane activities' collective and [...]
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Video Killed the Radio Star by Jonathan Harel if {
"Video Killed the Radio Star"
was the first video played on MTV;
What will be the first software project submitted to runme.org?
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